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How can i fix Android version inflation?

I'm starting to think it's not within my realm of capability.

How can i download android low qulity version ?

That's not available anymore because I found a way to make it high quality and run better than low quality

I've found this weird bug in android when you enter game for the second time ,it's like the screen zooms in and i cant access anything else,  another one a whole rectangle was on my screen and whodnt go away

When I open the game on pc shows me not the game, but only a pink background and the sides of the black edges, I accidentally clicked a few keys or is it a bug? Thanks


Delete your settings savedata in LocalLow, TeamQuimbly and launch again

Helloooo, I love your game and I'm glad to see that it's getting a lot of love but I have some problems for the Android and PC versions.

On the PC everything works but when talking to the girls the screen appears white, even on dates it appears the same and when I am with them at home they do not appear but on Android that error of the screen going white does not happen but the girls they do not appear,  I followed the steps in the tutorial but there are problems because when adding what is missing it does not work because my phone, which is a motorola g84, does not allow access to the file to add the folder that is needed, what do you recommend  to fix the problem at least in the android version

If you can DM me on discord @ihopcanada. Your issue seems real complex so we're probably going to have to think it through together

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I'm having an issue where, when I try to inflate a girl, a weird mannequin-looking girl appears and I get a pop-up box saying 'there's no girl...'. When I click the box, it opens a youtube link to a way to fix this on Android. Problem is, I'm on PC (windows 10). I've tried both air and water inflation, but only with Sophia so far, so no idea if it happens with other characters too. Haven't tried stuffing anyone yet either.

Update: Just tried stuffing and inflating with Victoria. Both work just fine with her.

that's very very weird that should not be happening on windows and I'm very confused as to why 

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Please patch the android version. The tips in the video doesn't work. Please fix the inflation content. There are no girls and the tip in the video doesn't work anymore.🫶

Like I can't play the inflation part cause of this bug.

yes I am aware. I've been trying to fix for awhile I'm sort of out of ideas 😔

I don't understand how it happens. 

Like couldn't u just upload the android Version with the girl vision design inside the APK? 

I'm not an expert or something but I hope I can help somehow👍

well it is in the editor when I build it. But after completion of the build it is nowhere to be seen. According to the live2D documentation this is the one folder they can be spawned from. Meaning the unity streaming assets folder. It seems to be treated differently on android though which only makes things more confusing.

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That's very odd, are you on the newest update I posted a day ago?

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yeah sorry my mac died when building so I couldn't fix the update quite yet. I think it's on its last legs. Try the windows version 

If the water enema is back, does this mean that the side view will return soon?

we had a vote and people said they wouldn't mind there only being one view. Thing is that doubling the Live2D sprites is not very good for game size and optimization.

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DON'T click on the top left option in the phone, it caused a white box to appear on screen that wouldn't go away unless I closed the game, but after re-opening, two black bars appear on the sides of the screen while the middle is pure red, game is completely unplayable now.

Delete your savedata in %appdata%/Localow/teamquimbly we fixed the bug very quickly after posting but a select few of people got a bad version. Basically your settings savedata got corrupted. so reinstall the new version and delete your settings savedata to play more

This does not seem to work, I even tried deleting the entire Team Quimbly folder in LocalLow, deleting Project Quimbly and redownloading the whole game, and it's still corrupted.

did you wait for the splash screen to finish and the main menu to open? The game should fix itself on the main menu screen.

I did, it did not work :(

DM me on discord @ihopcanada and I'll make you a special version that'll fix it

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There's a glitch with the Android version, where after launching it for the first time, the next time you launch it it'll be stretched out to the point it's unplayable, the only way to fix it is to click the settings button

yes we updated it so it should be fixed. make sure you have the newest version

Android download link is missing

There we are it's there now

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Is this available for windows?

Yes it is

Does this update is only for PC?

It's for android too at the moment and Mac will come later

Yet again, what's changed?

Check the devlog

I'm currently trying to feed Victoria but it seems that her size is unchanged?

in terms of weight or stuffing? For stuffing keep feeding her and she'll grow

Very sadly, I had also been expecting to produce a change in weight gain

when I click on 'push ups' and stuff, nothing happens. is it supposed to be like that?

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It usually would load a minigame where you'd spam a button in order to get JACKED! Are you getting this bug on android or PC?

on PC. how do I fix it?

Hm do you have full energy, I changed how energy works in the newest version but you have to sleep between each workout, only once a day

that's it! thanks for clarifying

Have you thought about fixing the inflation bug where the pump doesn't show up? Every time.e I try to fix the issue myself, it doesn't seem to work. I tried following the guide on yt.

yeah I've tried, issue is the directory can be different on every device. The bugfix may work for some but I can't get it to work for everyone. I'd recommend downloading for PC or MAC until I can figure it out 

Yeah I can see that. Also, I love your work. Keep it going :)

Crashing when playing yoga minigame

Im trying to open the game but when I click on it, nothing happens! Is there anything i could do to fix it?

What platform are you trying on, I'd reccommend downloading on windows. Do keep in mind it is a zip file and will need to be extracted to play.

Thanks for the help! Loved the game btw

awesome! Glad you enjoyed!

I find something in the game about cheat codes, does it work?

Cheat codes are a Patreon Benefit

Do you plan to add NSFW content? I mean, not as you planned, I mean that for example when you fill or inflate a girl to the maximum she gets naked and shows you her naked body plus her huge belly.

Heh, there used to be flat out sex in the game where you'd choose positions, yes it is most certainly something we'd want to do and have done before.

How soon will be next update?

For patrons today, for the public perhaps a month or so

Sadly that we need to wait for month:( thanks for replying 

Would you ever add deflation (farting) for those who are into it? And maybe an on/off toggle for those who aren't?

ah I don't really have plans for that but I can't rule it out completely

I mean burping is already a thing, so might as well add farting

Whenever I'm in a cutscene: dating, talking, inflation, etc. I get a white image. I've used the "I don't see any girls"  option but it's for android. I'm on win10. Any ideas on how I can fix this?

All I can suggest is reinstall, I've never seen an issue like this for a windows device ever.

Why I didn't show the characters when I inflated them, and the inflation didn't respond.

Likely because you're playing on mobile. Click the "I don't see any girls" Button that spawns to watch a tutorial to attempt to fix it (Works on most devices but not all)

Do the characters gain weight visualy over time

Only Amber at the moment, may make an overall post addressing weight gain and where it's headed.

The fourth listing image depicts an enema bag.

Have liquid inflations not been implemented yet?

They were prior to the Live2D update, since then we removed them to focus on the inflation model. The difference between water and air used to be a different viewing angle.

I see; is there any intention to bring it back?

At the moment... No not really but I could see it sometime down the line

Very good; I also noticed that the calories of consumables were listed and explained in the tutorial, but nothing happens when you go over the character's daily allowance.

Have weight changes not been implemented?

For amber yes but you have to make her gain around 20 lbs. Every time you you go a calorie over the limit that's equal to about 0.045lbs so try to get as much as you can.

Pls return browser!!!

Great game, I am hoping to see updates (sooner = better) :D

I'm sorry browser cannot handle current quimbly. There's too much content.

Deleted 250 days ago

once we complete this alpha we may create another. we do have a few ideas

Why is it that the Android version is only in Demo?

The game is only in demo. It is an alpha

bro these fonts are crazy

Like on the gamepage?

I cant put the assest files into project quimbly but then again you were on a phone i do belive and im on a galaxy tab 8 which might be the problem but i dont know so oh well ima still play it cause it's still really good

Darn I'm sorry if the android tutorial doesn't help :(

it's alright 

Sorry to mess with the same thing, if Ryu was implemented in the future how would I unlock him?

Since she has not been drafted yet, we do not know. there are ideas going about but we cannot share them otherwise you'll be spoiled.

sorry for bothering ryu so much but it's the one that seems sexiest to me, just promise that you'll let me know when it's implemented and how it will be unlocked.

Yeah for sure, but full disclosure she no longer looks like how she does on the main menu, 6 month ago the patreons voted to change her design.

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Some kind of tutorial would also be nice, as well as instructions on what to do or where to find the girl and if you can work on the Spanish translation too, I'm Spanish with an English translator XD

yo hablo espanol tambien pero la videojuego no teine la functionada en espanol

Can you give me a Chinese translator? I can't play in English.

Oh well good news actually one of our team members is Chinese and we're testing the idea of translating it Chinese. No promises we actually make it though 

If you use an autoclicker on the casino slot machine, you can end up accidentally spending 500 on a single spin ;-;

Oooh maybe you should set the clicker to run every 10 seconds or so

Amber's old texture is better

Old texture?

first version of Amber 

I suppose that's a matter of opinion then 


Deleted 266 days ago
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softer lines for softer amber :D (i get where you're coming from tho)

If the new character uses Deb as a basis, does that mean I shouldn't expect WG stages from her ever?

Roxanne may or may not have weight gain stages, I have not come to a decision yet

how about Victoria?

Yes we do plan on adding wg for victoria

Lets fuckingggg goooooooooo

Will Ryu be added in the next updates?

Eventually Yes, though a redesign of her is more likely as it's been voted on by the patrons.

It's good that a new character has appeared who looks like a Deb because without her appearance it would be boring

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