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膨胀是十分硬的,我不能吨 通货膨胀

打败充气迷你游戏的最简单方法是抽水直到压力达到 75%,然后用鼠标摩擦她的腹部以加快失去压力的过程。


En el último tramo la carga de la barra se detiene y no avanza :( estoy intentando entrar desde un dispositivo móvil

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raro, pensé que la barra de carga ya no estaba allí. ¿También intente tocar la pantalla?

Great game! was i suppose to get the other pumps again. I dont know where they are


They're not availible yet... sorry

This is a pretty good inflation game but just wondering would there be a body inflation option in the future? and also maybe a sfw and nsfw option for the mini games?   

hmmm... Well no matter what this game is pretty NSFW so I don't really see a need to make it SFW, also describe body inflation? Breast and ass expansion is planned but not  like the inflation where the character just becomes a circle.

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Body inflation is where a person body inflates into a sphere I'm pretty sure if u look u in DA or Google it on images you might understand what I mean, The reason I ask cuz if this is gonna be a inflation dating game yours gonna be more ways to inflate Deb or that other chick lol, I'm pretty sure adding body inflation would really spice up things cuz just filling up a belly with air or food might get boring and u might u want to get really creative like u said breast and butt inflation would make things fun :)    

Edit: oh yeah what I mean by the sfw and nsfw thing like have a option to remove clothing when doing the inflation mini games lol 

is it just me or is the game broken at the moment?


Probably best if you mentioned if you're on your phone, or on PC, or whatever, that way the dev can narrow down your issue.

Also, no the game isn't broken on my PC, though I've never tried playing it on my phone.

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On PC. None of the options past the tutorial exist no matter what screen size or window type I use. Either it's not optimized for my screen of 1366 x 720, or... idk.

I'm using the downloaded version too.


did you make a new save? Old saves are not compatible

i start right from the beginning,

nothing works


press "h" it is the button to hide and unhide the UI... If that doesn't work play in windowed

Am I tripping or is there no more mobile port..?

The mobile port is not functioning properly so I stopped it for the moment


Ah, understandable, have a great day

If you haven't gotten it yet, the android version is up now!

Is this the update you were talking about on patreon


It's the Improved version yes. In fact it has much more than that one. The next patreon update will come out next month!


Hi ! your games are funny ! Can I make a few videos of it ? (knowing that I'm making a bit of ads revenues from that by posting on porn website)


100% yeah! We will totally watch them! There will be an update this week so I'd say you should wait! if you want to stay active with development and have somewhere to post your video where we'll see it, please join the discord (

Thanks a lot !

Can you fix the screen rotate and screen scale in android?

Working on that for the next update! It's a little more complicated then you think... :(

Am I missing something in the inflation minigame. Do you just inflate them a bit and just wait a minute for the pressure to go down?

you can rub their bellies by having your mouse on the belly while holding left click. It makes the pressure go down 3X faster


I'm looking forward to your next update

I am too :) !

I'm only asking because i saw it are the girls going to be able to gain weight because i saw in debs dislikes it said she does not like weight gain which makes me think that they might be able to gain weight just wondering if that's going to be a thing or not.


It will, just only for certain girls. Some just don't want to gain weight. The new character being added will like it.

i know this probably something you cant answer at this time but any idea on the next update or are just going to go finish the game and then release it


This game is going to be huge I don't think it will be 100% done for a couple years or so. The next update should be coming sometime in september

One thing i wanted to ask is how is the weight gain going to work like is there body going to get bigger or is it going to look like they just have a stuffed belly 


Is there a changelog anywhere for the updates as they happen?


well in the updates channel of the discord

Finally decided to join the Discord, only to find link in the game is expired or invalid.


don't know why it's not working in the game but this should work


Hey, this is a random question, but could I make a character for this game? I have some ideas, and if so, do you have any social medias I could send the character sprites to you, or a phone number so i can text you?

Hey! Why don't you join the discord as we can have further discussion there

one second, I have to make an account

the game you made is still buggy, and the feed button just least me blank, have you ever tried to fix the game? 

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Everyday! What do you mean my “leave me blank” and what platform are you on

when I say leave it blank I meant the text box is literally blank like you can't go next nor can you go back, like it is so glitched out, that I can only use the task manager to x out the game. I hope this crap gets fixed.

Are you playing the newest version? I have yet for someone to report this bug.

yup the newest version

Web Android or Downloaded? Also what system are you running? Can you repeat this bug? If so what are the steps to activate?

how's it going? okay, the problem I have is that when I am in the game and I cannot do some actions such as feeding or returning to the previous screen since you can see how some buttons are not seen by the limit of my screen (forgive my misspelling It's not my language) it really is that ... I don't know if I can send you an example image by some means

So you’re using the APK?

I sent you a Patron message, Please respond there. I may need to make you a special build

how to reply to that message? sorry I don't know much about this platform

You can reply on patreon by going to your messages tab on mobile and PC while signed in! I personally sent you a message there so you should have an email or notification on the email you signed up with. Sorry for taking so long you deserve the best player experience possible 

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I was hoping you could send me what the resolution of your phone screen is?

Then i’d send you your own build via patreon 

Hi! I'm excited to play this game but ... I have a compatibility problem with my screen, it is a Samsung A71 phone where I cannot see the full game, it goes out of the limit of my screen

Can you possibly go more into depth with your problem?

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