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Please note android version crashes for this version.


I'll reupload it, rebuilding rn hope it works

Ok thanks!

(1 edit)

id like to point out filling sophia in the inflation minigame causes debs text to appear and sophia turns into a white square

Air or water or and in the newest version?

in the newest version, and both for some reason

I'll ask the discord because I know I fixed this? I wonder how you got it to break again lol :)



I like the game alot


wud you guys ever make a pump till you pop game like fierylion?


If the patreon reaches $500 I'm making a multiplayer prototype of a game somewhat similar to that


will it be like a poker card game im good with cards and stuff

ps hows the patreon going is it going well cus your team deserves a lot of respect and i might become a patreon 

It's going pretty well! Thanks for asking! It fluctuates often but It's slowly rising :)


nice oh and im jack on patreon i pade the 20+ doller thing and so...

have a good new year

(1 edit)

Hey So downloaded this thought I would give it a try but after the short intro there is just a backgroud picture with nothing interactable?

Ok quick edit pressing H apparently hides the interface even if you are typing in a name maybe that should be lookea at lol

add pineapple pls

will girls pop (if enabled)?

no, no plans for it. Mainly because if you pop a girl then boom she's dead and you can't see her anymore, what a depressing circumstance


if you ever make another game it cud be like pump till you pop and stuff

good idea. bad idea. no...?

anyways just saying.

no like a a cartoon boom and she is dizzed out



bruh bruh


bruh bruh bruh la la >;)

I got to fullness 104 with deb and got a white square where she would've been, is this image just not implemented yet or did something glitch?

I'd also like to ask for a way to speed up reducing pressure in the future of this game

you can reduce pressure, just rub a characters belly

also petition for you to add around 14 minutes to the phone clock because itll be funny i sweat please believe m


dude sophia is so cute on the dates i just got to playing again and i didnt realize there was new content shes so adorable agh

I even took a screenshot of her in her expression with the question mark.

how do u create a game


very, very broad question...
I'd look into starting with using Unity. I used unity to make quimbly. Keep in mind to get the game to this state took around 200 hours (Mainly because I'm not that experianced...) so be ready to hit roadblocks in development. I wish you luck!


I tried the park, and all I get is a black screen.

that only happens in old saves, you have to start a new game if your save is from a previous update

Whats new in this update

(1 edit)

as of when? Why don't you try it and see!

The save slots dont seem to work at all

bruh this is so odd, we get reports of people saying that the saves work across all 3 platforms and people who say it doesn't work on any platform. One thing I can reccommend is never use private browsing when playing the game. If you're doing that it will not save

hmm weird im not using that :/

It shows nothing available on trying to play on browser

try now

thank you it works now!

With all the talk about how they feel about getting fat, you need to implement something where the weight stays on after a certain point. Obviously, it's still in early development, but that should be something in the future.


yeah, still thinking about that...

this is a weird question to ask but can you get pregnant in the game or any NPC get pregnant or both NPCs and the player get pregnant?


Hey so I really love this game but I did find quite a few bugs and would like to file a full bug report to try and help, is it best I post that here or in the discord server?

discord server is the best place!

Im having a glitch where the background is just a green screen, and I can't progress throught the game in anyway. The phone still works and I can see the other options, but the background is just green and I can't do anything

updated it, redownload please :)

Hey, I really want to play the game, but whenever I start it up it gives me "

abort({}) at Error

   at  sjStackTraace (itch-cave://game.itch/QuimblyWeb/Build/QuimblyWeb.framework.js:2:16334)

at stackTrace(itch-cave://game.itch/QuimblyWeb/Build/QuimblyWeb.framework.js:2:16505)

at abort (itch-cave://game.itch/QuimblyWeb/Build/QuimblyWeb.framework.js:2:748)

at itch-cave://game.itch/QuimblyWeb/Build/QuimblyWeb.framework.js:2:25355

Does this mean something?

I think you somehow downloaded the web version? An update is coming out in about 10 minutes anyways so maybe it will work then

Ok, the update fixxed it. I can play it now. Thank you!

Can it be changed as follows?

1. If the NPC has been inflated that day, you must wait until the next day before you can inflate it again, but the picture of the NPC will be changed to the inflated appearance and maintained until the next day. The content of the conversation will also change due to the size of the NPC's belly.

2. Players have success and failure in dating. If they fail, they can continue to challenge the next day, or buy gifts from the store to increase the value. After becoming a partner, after inflating fake pregnant women dating, choose to go to the amusement park, go shopping, swim, and even entertain at home.

3. I don't know what the difference is except how much food is increased. Perhaps more differences should be added. It may be better to add prompts such as the maximum value and current year value on the screen.

4. Mini games are very boring. Sometimes dust will obscure the buttons. Maybe you can use more mini games, or choose the fast mode, and give a certain amount of money directly.

5. In addition to eating and drinking, gas expansion can increase fluid expansion, uterine expansion, or other methods. This will affect the content of dating entertainment.

well I'm not going to do all of those as it's A LOT of work and I'm trying to work at a steady pace but. 

1. Wish it was simple but can't do that atm
2. yes, already planned should come out in an update or 2
3. the max value increases by 5 every time you stuff a character
4. We're working on that but I don't want to reward the player for just stuffing a girl, the game play would be too repetitive
5. Interesting, I'm sure I could write something with this information!

what do you have planned for the non-patron updates? (magnificent game btw)

(1 edit)

Non-Patrons get the patreon updates but just later

that's fine keep on making this fantastic game ^^

I assume you're aware of this? When you're washing dishes, the spots keep appearing off-screen. Sometimes you can kind of see the spots peeking at the edge of the screen, but usually not and you're left just sitting there waiting for the timer to run out.

I wasn't sure about offscreen... Is this on mobile? I don't have a mobile device to test so it makes mobile development hard...

Nope, desktop downloaded.


aw man is it at least better than it used to be?  I keep working on it but the bounds of the plate are an enigma...

A bit, yeah. 

If you dont mind my asking when is the next planned update

It's already on our patreon but once we fix the bugs from that update we'll upload it here...

Save no work me sad

yeah im on browser and the save system doesnt work, but only when i close the tab and boot it up again

Wait that save system worked for you Biscuits?! We've only got it to work on PC downloadable but not on the web version???

seroiusly? ive been saving and loading fine this whole damn time, some bugs are that it permanently saves ur inventory but money fluctuates between saves. but yeah, it works for me

Can you please join the discord me and all the programmers are stuck...

oooo uuhhh

i kinda have a seperate account for everything NSFW and dont have a seperate discord account for that yet

sorry but i can't join it till i make one, and even then its gonna be a hassle switching back and forth

Deleted 2 years ago

What version are you using

dude the first scene with sophia where MC gambles whether shed like the pretty face comment was honestly how most people feel doing stuff like that, and the "HAHAHAHH LESSSS GOOOO" when it works fucking slayed me props

Haha, thank you so much!

Where I can buy another pump? In game said that there is different pumps

(1 edit)

will you add buleberry inflation

(1 edit)

Actually maybe?

how do you get Amber to want to inflate

Amber's just simply not into it unfortunetly

The new update has many bugs such as grey screen is formed when I date with amber,also when I talk to amber it gets stuck. Not to say that the game is bad but the game has many bugs. The game still doesn't save my game when I reopen it.

Saving's being worked on but I updated like 5 minutes after release can you download the new version?

Still doesn't work

It's still giving you a grey screen? On the downloadable version?


I know that you probably have the newest version but just so we're on the same page can you download the newest version off of itch and then check if it still happens, like the one that is there right now?


Will there be an option to disable voices?

wasn't planing on it

how i can change the pump?

Not added yet :(

Playing on mobile and i hit a soft lock while feeding deb in that when she hits 25 fullness she just says fuck in a speech bubble but i have no prompt to continue

I know we're working hard on that

she isnt allowed to swear 

Why doesn't it save my progress on mobile?

I honestly have no idea, it seems to do well on every other platform

the web version seems to be non-functional on opera, could you possibly fix this?

I don't know, It's probably a unity thing, I'm sorry but the downloaded version isn't available due to a particularly nasty bug atm. Maybe try a different browser and let me know

(1 edit) (+1)

what happened to the pc download?

had to remove it due to problems, use the web version for now and we'll fix the downloadable version next update... Sorry :(


is ok. great game btw!

there will be a dancing mini game?

and what do you mean by pick up chicks... mean like a character that can be found in a club you dance in or say custom made girls cus you said 5 girls will be added to the game but you never sad more than 5 so what's the idea here...

just a question i hade that i wanted to ask nothin more nothin less.     

1. I am planning on it, the game right now is sort of a sandbox but in the full game the club would be where you could pick up some girls

2. if you dance well enough you would be able to pick different girls depending on how well you dance

3. 5 girls are planned (not including crossover events) more may be added afterwards when the game is complete as well as more may be added anytime! 

Hope this clears things up

ok thank you


playing on PC and i hit a soft lock while feeding deb in that when she hits 25 fullness she just says fuck in a speech bubble but i have no prompt to continue betting its a bug just wanting confirmation  

Deleted post


same here

We're working on this right away, for now use the web version... Sorry!

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